NCAA Football 08 Style Guide
NCAA Football 08 Style Guide Cover
NCAA Football 08 was my first year as lead UI Artist. The first thing I did was create a physical style guide that could be passed around the team so that everyone could align with my goals and intentions. This style guide also had to adhere to the larger EA Sports style guide branding, so a sort of "style guide within a style guide" was created.
Introduction & Purpose
Every style guide should have an introduction page to tell artists, executives, etc what the goals and intentions of the style guide are.
Base Pallet
Always define base pallet and transparency levels for consistency across designs.
Logo Treatments
Provided samples of how teams should be represented in the UI. This also helped us with scheduling as a backlog item had to be created to provide for these asset treatments.
Common Components
With over 300 screens in the game, common components are a critical piece of the interface structure.
Common Component Detail
Pixel-perfect details helped the UI Technical Artists and engineers skin the common components in such a a way that they will always display consistently.
Spreadsheet Component
The spreadsheet component is the most complex and most used common component in the game.
Spreadsheet Component Spacing
Since it is so complex, detailed spacing and layout numbers must be supplied to ensure proper skinning of the component.
Customizable Team Module
Customizable modules allow for some screens to use existing components while still providing areas for unique assets.
Team Select Sample
I always show some examples of screens that fit within the style guide. A combination of base common component screens and fully custom screens (such as this example) help junior designers get a feel for what is acceptable when designing their own screens within the style guide.
Team Info Sample
The team info screen displays historical data for teams. For this concept I placed important dates from school history on a timeline layout to give a sense of the history and nostalgia associated with college football.
Recruiting Map Sample
Recruiting map shows where your targeted prospects are from. Users can navigate the map by highlighting individual states, then selecting the state to see a list of prospects within that state.
Stadium Info Sample
Info card detailing historical information about a school's stadium.